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Dr. John Maynard[EAP国际督导师]

时间:2008/11/7 17:18:55|点击数:




在临床应用上,约翰·梅纳德博士多年来服务于饱受困扰的资深经理和专业人士,创立并使用拥有商标权的行政主管业绩恢复 过程。通过这一工作,他发展形成了自己向中年专业人士提供教练和督导的专长,帮助中年专业人士最大限度提升自己的精力、创造性、激情、弹性和生命意义感。2003年,他录制并发行了一个受到广泛欢迎的CD,“最大收获在中年”。


John Maynard, Ph.D., CEAP

Dr. John Maynard is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the International Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA). EAPA is the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected membership organization for employee assistance professionals, with members in more than 30 countries.

Dr. Maynard is recognized as one of the world’s leading consultants and thought leaders in the employee assistance (EA) profession. He earned his Ph.D. in Counseling at the University of Colorado, and began his career as a psychotherapist in the U.S. public mental health system.In the 1970s,he founded and built one of the first successful EA companies in the United States. During the 1980s, he served as vice president for behavioral health services for a major U.S. hospital system. From 1987 until 2004, he was president of SPIRE Health Consultants, Inc., a global consulting firm specializing in EA strategic planning, program design, and quality improvement. For many years, he served as Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Journal of Employee Assistance and its predecessor, EAPA Exchange Magazine.

Dr. Maynard has a long history of service to the employee assistance profession worldwide. In 1994, he assisted in the development of the first EAP Standards of Practice for the UK. In 1997-1998, he co-led the process of writing the current EAPA Standards and Professional Guidelines for EAPs in the U.S. In 2004, he and a colleague created, distributed, and analyzed a questionnaire to determine needed components for EA guidelines specific to the Asia Pacific region.

Clinically, Dr. Maynard worked for many years with troubled senior executives and professionals, using his trademarked Executive Performance Recovery process. From this work grew his special expertise in coaching and mentoring professionals in midlife to help them maximize their energy, creativity, passion, resilience, and sense of purpose. In 2003, he recorded and released a widely acclaimed CD, called “Making the Most of Midlife.”

Dr. Maynard has made hundreds of presentations to corporations, professional meetings, and conferences in the United States and Canada, as well as in Asia, Australia, and Europe, He has been interviewed on both television and radio, has written chapters for several books, authored numerous journal and magazine articles, and is quoted often in newspapers and magazines. He has a special interest in China and its people.


本文来源:怡达心抚 作者:admin